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Welcome to Delmarva Restoration and Conservation Network (DRCN)


The The Delmarva Restoration and Conservation Network (DRCN) is a Landscape-scale conservation collaborative rising to address these challenges on the peninsula. The DRCN formed in 2017, is a collaborative of local, state, and Federal government agencies and NGOs  working with private and public landowners and local governments to identify the most important places to protect and restore, and to obtain support and funding for voluntary restoration and conservation.


Our mission is to restore and conserve Delmarva’s landscapes, waterways, and shorelines that are special to its people, fundamental to its economy, and vital for its native fish, wildlife, and plants.



We envision a Delmarva where native fish and wildlife thrive; working lands and waters enrich the lives of those who live, work, and play here; and rich forestlands and coasts support and sustain present and future generations.






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© 2023 Delmarva Restoration and Conservation Network

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