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Model Climate Resilience Element (CRE)

The Model Climate Resilience Element (CRE), developed by the DRCN Towns & Urban Committee, is designed to support county and town planning commissions in their comprehensive plan updates.

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Photo credit: Jay Flemming

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As communities face the growing challenge of climate change and its impacts, this document serves as a tool to assist in integrating these critical considerations into local comprehensive planning efforts either as an added element or addressed in specific chapters.


This document provides a list of specific strategies and action items to enhance climate resiliency, along with references to other plans and assessments which serve as exemplary models. By utilizing this document, the CRE aims to guide and inspire planning commissions as they navigate the complexities of climate resilience and ensure the long-term sustainability and preparedness of our communities.  Our hope is the CRE will be a resource that could better position our counties and municipalities to proactively lay the groundwork for weathering future climate change impacts.  





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© 2023 Delmarva Restoration and Conservation Network

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